Partnerships with International manufacturing firms specializing in milking components that give us the possibility of repair and maintenance of any Milking machine.


Communication availability and technical support 24 hours a day. We are also capable to upgrade technologically your Milking machine, of whatever company it is that, increasing performance dramatically


Equipped with knowledge and experience, we can undertake the design, installation and of course maintenance of your milking machine, putting above all, your own and your company’s interests.


Our company uses high quality components of Italian manufacture and origin from companies specializing in specific parts of the milking system.

The fact that we get all these materials directly from the factories gives us the opportunity to provide very reasonable prices. We ensure that we always maintain a well-stocked spare parts inventory.

But our biggest advantage is the management of all these components with technological equipment of our own specifications.
Our company, for more than 15 years, is active in the field of milking machines and provides maintenance and repairs to milking machines from all major foreign companies. So we integrated all this combined knowledge and experience, into managing all of these components with automation of our own design. All our milking machines, have the menus in their control panels in 3 languages, Greek, English and Albanian.


But where our company is unrivaled is customer service. We are the only company in Greece that has telephone lines open for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Our willingness to serve our clients well, and our humanly and friendly attitude, is what has helped us not only to maintain, but also to expand our clientele. At present, our customers extend to 4 countries, Greece, Albania, Kosovo and Cyprus.

Our goal

The company’s objective and continuous effort is to offer its clients – cheese makers and farmers – the confidence of the state-of-the-art equipment in use, which will always be modern and efficient, to comply with the increasing demands of the European Union in the food and, by extension, in the raw materials sector.